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This module is great for coaches for booking either individual coaching sessions or group activities. You can set the type of activity such as junior coaching, squad coaching or cardio tennis. Set your price per session. set your maximum number of participants. Works flawlessly with our PayPal add-on.
Filesize: 92.8 kB

This module lets your visitors pay for the bookings through your PayPal account. PayPal is free to set up but charges you a percentage of the booking amount. Set your own prices for each court. No more money left in boxes or money tins. All booking payments are transparent and accountable. Works flawlessly with our coaching add-on.
Filesize: 41.8 kB

Filesize: N/A

Filesize: 307 kB

EZiConnect connects your WordPress theme with WHMCS
Filesize: N/A